The Project

Project Protégé pairs established, social practice artists as Mentors to younger Protégés who are just beginning their journeys of community change making through the arts.

The 10 week intensive program is designed to foster deep and meaningful relationships between Mentor and Protégé, providing this next generation of community visionaries with tools and a network to accelerate their artistic impact. In addition to working time with Mentors, the Protégés will participate in workshops, master classes and field trips. In the final 2 weeks of the program the Protégés will present a joint, public art project.

Along the way, the Mentors will NURTURE (confidence), FACILITATE (the transfer of social capital), SHARE (wisdom), and CELEBRATE (the contributions of a young creative light).

Image courtesy of  _theBaeHive_

Image courtesy of _theBaeHive_

Program Overview

The program will kick off with a "Bootcamp" where all Mentors and Protégés get to know each other, bond, and develop the theme and direction of the final project. This will be followed by 8 weeks of workshops and then 2 weeks of project development, execution and presentation of the final work.

Workshops include topics such as: “The Inner Artist", Professional Practices, Self Care for Artists, History of Art as Social Statement, and Fundraising/Grant Application. We will also tour and make introductions for the students at local art museums, galleries and art spaces, including panel discussions with working artists who share the unvarnished reality of living a creative life. The program will culminate with the presentation of the final projects to the community and a celebration of the journey.



This project is designed for emerging creatives interested in pursuing socially beneficial work, and established social practice artists in the Charlotte area.

  • Protégés: Creatives who live or study in the Charlotte area, are aged 18-23, and are interested in using their creativity to impact their community in a positive way.

  • Mentors: Individual Charlotte based artists, or pairs of artists, of any age who have an established practice that engages the community to grow in a positive way, and who have a desire to help nurture the next generation.


All activities, including introductory weekend bootcamp, classes, workshops, field trips, and final art project will take place in and around Charlotte, NC. Assistance is available with transportation for those who need it.


The application process for Project Protégé Kicks off in the summer of 2021. Successful applicants are notified during the fall, and the 10 week intensive occurs during winter-spring of 2022.

  • July 19, 2021 : Application process opens

  • August 3, 2021 : Information session for prospective mentors

  • August 30, 2021 : Mentor applications are due

  • September 9, 2021 : Information session for prospective protégés

  • September 27, 2021 : Mentor selections announced

  • October 11, 2021 : Protégé application deadline

  • October 25, 2021 : Protégé selections announced

  • January 21-23, 2022 : Bootcamp!

  • January 24, 2022 : Program begins

  • April 2, 2022 : Program concludes, final exhibition opens!


Project Protégé is fully funded to execute this pilot program of 5 mentors and 5 protégés. The mentors will be paid for their time, the protégés will receive an honorarium, and funds for the execution of the final project are provided. Assistance with transportation is available, and meals will be provided at curriculum events.