Individual artists, or pairs of artists if you have an established collaborative practice with one other person
Based in Charlotte, NC area
Established social practice artist
Desire to foster next generation of social practice creatives
Previous mentoring experience or experience teaching young adults not required but is a plus
Can provide references and pass a background check
Good communicator
Plays well with others
Availability to participate in selecting protégés. 8 hours between the dates of October 11th and October 25th. Mentors will be compensated. For more info see FAQs.
Availability to participate in the finalization of curriculum. Maximum of 8 hours between September 27th and October 31st. Mentors will be compensated. For more info see FAQs.
Ability to commit to a mandatory 3 day BootCamp starting on January 21st, participate in 8 sessions of Curriculum (1 per week for 8 weeks), hold 1:1 sessions weekly with their Protégé, and assist the protégé with the execution of their final project during the final 2 weeks. Program begins starting January 21st and ends with the opening of the student exhibition on April 3rd, 2022. Mentors will be compensated. For more info see FAQs.
For more information, please attend one of two virtual information sessions on August 3rd, 2021. The sessions will be recorded and available on this website for those that can’t attend. Links to the zoom sessions are here.
Mentor Application
The application process for mentors closed on August 30th.
Age 18 - 23, as of January 1st 2022
Can commit to being in Charlotte area for the entire 10 week program
Pursuing creative path with strong interest in social practice art
Can provide references
Eager and open to learn
Willing and able to do self evaluation
Plays well with others
Can show examples of prior creative work
Ability to commit to a 3 day BootCamp, participate in 8 sessions of Curriculum (1 per week for 8 weeks), hold 1:1 sessions weekly with their Mentor, and execute a final art project over the final two weeks of the program.
For more information, please attend one of two virtual information sessions on September 9th, 2021. Please subscribe below to be reminded and receive the zoom link. The sessions will be recorded and available on this website for those that can’t attend. Links to the zoom sessions are here.